Bird Toon of the Day - September 25, 2022
Tundra: Doesn't everyone nowadays?
Tundra: Doesn't everyone nowadays?
Speed Bump: I suppose that's better than trying to figure out how to do a C-section on an egg.
Half Full: I wonder how long it will take her to look up from her phone and realize what happened.
Carpe Diem: I bet even Stupid the Bird from "Diamond Lil" would know better than this.
Strange Brew: Parents. They're the same everywhere.
Buckles: The title character explains to his avian friend Arden how human migration works.
Mutts: Just like yesterday ... when you don't know the species nomenclature ...
Dogs Of C-Kennel: For when you can't remember the scientific name for hummingbirds (Trochilidae).
Loose Parts: As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say ... it's always something.
The Other Coast: Personally, I am hoping that budgies are. (For those who don't know me, I have a flock of six Mickaboo budgies.)