Veggie Mix Recipe with Pellets

This is the latest version of our Veggie Mix Recipe.  We sometimes add ground up pumpkin, flax, and sesame seeds to the ground pellets before serving, since those seeds are not typically in most pellets.

The original article was originally written for our Newsletter of October, 2012.  We have made a few important updates to the latest version:

First, we no longer use grains.  We now sprinkle ground-up high-quality pellets over or mixed in with the vegetable mix.  That cuts down on the time it takes to make the veggie mix. It also uses pellets instead of grains, which overall are healthier because they are a mix of grain, nuts, seeds, and nutritional supplements, especially vitamin D.   You can sprinkle various amounts of ground pellets, depending up on whether your bird also forages for pellets during the day or whether you are converting your bird to eat more vegetables.  

Leafy greens are a key important ingredient in our recipe, but be creative. Alternate kale with chard or collards or the superfood watercress, and include a variety of colored vegetables.  For reference, Table 2 in this wonderful study lists the nutrition density of "powerhouse" vegetables and fruits. 
We have since found another place that sells an even wider range of dried vegetables and fruits, and mostly, if not all, organic:


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