Bird ID: 7896
Species: Macaw
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Blue and Gold
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Macaw
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Blue and Gold
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Unknown
Currently in Foster Care
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To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
I`m about 17 years old and quite the chatterbox. My foster mom says I have a sweet, friendly, and BIG personality. I am happy to step up and hang out on my foster mom`s arm while she grades her students` papers, and love to dance, play with toys on my play stand, and sing along with my human and parrot friends.
Before coming to Mickaboo, I used to eat a lot of peanuts. Now I`m enjoying a healthy diet of pellets and a wide variety of vegetables and fruit, including Brussel sprouts, kale, carrots, corn, snap peas, apples, berries, oranges, mango, papaya. . . and I even eat my broccoli now!
When I lived in a backyard, I figured out how to break out of my cage and this is probably how I ended up in the jaws of a raccoon. In my new home I spend a lot of supervised time out of my cage, however when my foster mom isn`t around I was still thinking of ways to open the doors of my new cage. She has since figured out all my tricks, and now I use my big brain to open foraging toys instead for the yummy food hidden inside. Perhaps you are looking for a fun-loving, sweet-natured, smart boy like me?