Bird ID: 7873
Species: Conure
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Green Cheek
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Over 12
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
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Species: Conure
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Green Cheek
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Over 12
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
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Hello World! I`m Nai`a, a female green-cheeked conure, and I`m about a year and a half old as of May. 2024. I came to Mickaboo as a surrender when my previous home could no longer care for me. Under good care, my life expectancy is 25-30 years - I can be a lifelong companion!
When I arrived at Mickaboo, I had very badly clipped wings so I have no flight; I can`t even land well. However, with treat incentives I am willing to walk to your hand and even sit there while I finish my treat. With time and patience, I can learn to fly to you and that will aid my wing growth!
I am currently on a Harrison`s pellet diet along with Nutri-An cakes. I haven`t built a taste for fruits or veggies yet but I`m open to it (especially if you`re eating it). My favorite treat is sunflower seeds and sometimes millet.
I`m very skittish and everything in the world is scary to me, even though I prefer to be outside the cage. It is believed that my lack of confidence has something to do with my lack of flight/way to protect myself. I will get on a human finger or palm if I`m offered treats. I am not too loud but I`ll screech politely for attention, if you could please take me with you to the next room or spend time next to me.
I make kissy sounds, I purr, and sometimes I`ll make small dance motions with you! Once I warm up with the human and my environment, I`ll wander to explore! However, if I fall off the cage, I`ll need a human to help me back up or set up a ladder I can use to get back up.
Will you be my forever home? I would love a space and a human to call my own! My living space currently is a cage of 30x20x18 dimensions but the bigger the better! My special care is that since I can`t fly, I need a setup that`ll encourage my flight but also let me get around without it. Once my wings grow out and you teach me how to fly (this could take months) - I won`t need any special accommodations!