
Hi everyone, I`m Flower. I was found in the Bay club swimming pool in San Francisco! The nice people there fished me out of the pool and got animal control to pick me up. I definitely didn`t look well, so the shelter called Mickaboo right away as they always come to help the sick or injured wild parrots.

I was lucky they had a volunteer nearby who came and got me, I was super dehydrated and I hadn`t eaten anything in a while so I was really weak. I couldn`t even lift my head up! The nice Volunteer made me up some formula and I began eating slowly. The next day they got me straight to the vet and I am in hospital now recovering.

I definitely look like a bromethalin poisoning case, unfortunately somewhere in San Francisco people are using rat poison and scattering it out somewhere that we birds can find it, and it`s hurting the wildlife including us. If I survive then Mickaboo will take care of me and try to pair me up with another wild parrot poison survivor to be my friend, and then we`ll find a forever home together with people who know how to take care of us. If you`d like to learn more about providing a home for recovered wobbly wild parrots, please hit the `contact link and get in touch!