(Pending adoption!) Iko

Bird ID: 7078
Species: Poicephalus
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Meyer`s Parrot
Health Status: Special Needs
Good with Children: Over 12
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
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If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.

Check out this feature video about me from Mickaboo`s April 2023 online adoption event.

Hi there! I`m Iko (pronounced "EYE-koe"), a Meyers Parrot. Before coming to Mickaboo, I worked at an animal park in a petting zoo. One of the workers there took me home (with permission, of course!) because I was uncomfortable around so many people. I`m a friendly bird but have my limits.

I have a chronic health condition that makes me a special-needs bird. Specifically, I`ve had two vent prolapses and may have more. Mickaboo`s veterinarians say that these may have been due to the excessive stimulation I was experiencing in a petting zoo. Still, these could happen to me again; if so, they will require prompt diagnosis and treatment. My species coordinator can explain this in more detail.

Besides the prolapses, I`m a healthy bird. I`m lean, muscular, and energetic, and I love visiting with people who respect my space. I`m on a great diet and like to try healthy new foods that are fed to me in a dish or foraging media. I can make all kinds of clicking, purring, and people sounds.

Here`s one interesting fact about me that my foster dad had to learn over a period of weeks, but which I will tell you upfront: I tend to avoid things that remind me of my days in the petting zoo. Sometimes, I don`t want to step up, and I generally don`t like taking food from people`s hands. I will push back to some degree if you try to force these issues on me. I was just SO TIRED of people shoving their hands at me and offering me vended snack food, and I don`t want to relive those days. I`m very tame and good about stepping onto a hand or stick most of the time -- but when I don`t feel like it, I hope that you will respect my boundaries. And I like treats but on my own schedule.

I`m ready for adoption by the right family. If you think that might be yours, please contact Mickaboo`s Poicephalus coordinator and ask for Iko.