Yeshe (& Chester)
Bird ID: 7045
Species: Conure
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Blue Crown
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
Sponsor Me!
Species: Conure
Sex: Unknown
Sub-Species: Blue Crown
Health Status: Healthy
Good with Children: Unknown
Well Socialized: Yes
Currently in Foster Care
Sponsor Me!

If you're approved to adopt, click here to email my adoption coordinator.
To learn more about fostering or adopting our birds, please click here.
I was raised in a pet store, and got used to talking, but it`s all become a bit garbled over time. One trick I did pick up is some video game noises -- my foster mom says I sound like a laser gun. I don`t mind having other birds around, but my cage is just for me and Chester. We`d be great `only birds` for someone who wants some birdy attention.
We also showed up at a Mickaboo Virtual Adoption Fair! Check it out for some more information about us.