
Bird ID: 6880
Species: Parakeet
Sex: Female
Sub-Species: Standard Budgie
Died on 2023-11-15
Hi, I`m Cirrus. I am a sweet girl who came to Mickaboo in December 2020 because my owner couldn`t keep me anymore. I eat pellets and I will eat millet from my foster parent`s hand! I do have a distended crop, but it doesn`t bother me. The vet determined that I shouldn`t eat seed with every meal (seed takes longer to digest than pellets), but I`m happy with pellets in the morning and a bit of seed at night.

I`m not too big on toys but I do like listening to other budgie noises on YouTube. And I love Disney music & will chirp along. Hakuna Matata is a favorite. I`m a budgie, so of course "no worries" is my life`s work!

If you want to see me in action, you can check out this video from Mickaboo`s April 2021 virtual adoption fair: I`d love to join YOUR forever home!

In nature, parakeets (budgerigars) live in large flocks. A single bird in a cage spends much of his/her life being lonely because humans have things they must do that take them away. We therefore will only adopt a single parakeet to a household if there is already at least one parakeet living there. Otherwise, parakeets must be adopted in groups of two or more.